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Английский Этимологический словарь - sting


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- O.E. stingan "to prick with a small point," from P.Gmc. *stenganan. Specialized to insects late 15c. Slang meaning "cheat, swindle" is from 1812. Meaning "entrapment" first attested 1975. Sting ray is from 1624.
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  ~1 v past tense and past participle stung, 1 if an insect or a plant stings you, it causes a sharp pain and that part of your body swells  (Henry was stung by a bee at the picnic.) 2 to hurt or to make something hurt with a sudden sharp pain for a short time  (The antiseptic might sting a little. | Chopping onions makes my eyes sting.) 3 T usually passive if a remark or criticism stings, it makes you feel upset and embarrassed  (Days later she was still stung by the accusations. | sting sb into (doing) sth)  (Her harsh words stung him into action. | stinging rebuke/sarcasm etc (=severe and strongly expressed criticism etc)) sting sb for sth informal 1 especially BrE to charge someone too much for something  (The garage stung him for -300.) 2 BrE to borrow money from someone  (Can I sting you for a fiver?) ~2 n 1 »INSECT/ANIMAL« BrE a sharp needle-like part of an animal or insect's body that can be pushed through the skin of a person or animal, often leaving poison; stinger AmE 2 »WOUND« a wound or mark made when an insect or plant stings you  (Rub ointment on to the wasp sting.) 3 »PAIN« a sharp pain in your eyes or skin, caused by being hit, smoke etc  (the sting of salt in a wound) 4 a sting in the tail an unexpected end to a story, suggestion etc, that makes the whole thing less pleasant for the person listening 5 take the sting out of to make something unpleasant easier to deal with  (She smiled to take the sting out of her words.) 6 »CRIME« AmE a) a situation in which criminals obtain a large amount of money by cheating someone; swindle2 b) a situation in which the police catch criminals by pretending to be involved in criminal activity themselves ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (stings, stinging, stung) 1. If a plant, animal, or insect stings you, a sharp part of it, usually covered with poison, is pushed into your skin so that you feel a sharp pain. The nettles stung their legs... This type of bee rarely stings. VERB: V n, V 2. The sting of an insect or animal is the part that stings you. Remove the bee sting with tweezers. N-COUNT 3. If you feel a sting, you feel a sharp pain in your skin or other part of your body. This won’t hurt–you will just feel a little sting. N-COUNT: usu sing 4. If a part of your body stings, or if a substance stings it, you feel a sharp pain there. His cheeks were stinging from the icy wind... Sprays can sting sensitive skin. VERB: V, V n 5. If someone’s remarks sting you, they make you feel hurt and annoyed. He’s a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him... = hurt VERB: no cont, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (stung; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old Norse ~a to ~ and probably to Greek stachys spike of grain, stochos target, aim  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to prick painfully: as  a. to pierce or wound with a poisonous or irritating process  b. to affect with sharp quick pain or smart hail stung their faces  2. to cause to suffer acutely stung with remorse  3. overcharge, cheat  intransitive verb  1. to wound one with or as if with a ~  2. to feel a keen burning pain or smart; also to cause such pain  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the act of ~ing; specifically the thrust of a ~er into the flesh  b. a wound or pain caused by or as if by ~ing  2. ~er 2  3. a sharp or ~ing element, force, or quality  4. an elaborate confidence game; specifically such a game worked by undercover police in order to trap criminals ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a sharp often poisonous wounding organ of an insect, snake, nettle, etc. 2 a the act of inflicting a wound with this. b the wound itself or the pain caused by it. 3 a wounding or painful quality or effect (the sting of hunger; stings of remorse). 4 pungency, sharpness, vigour (a sting in the voice). 5 sl. a swindle or robbery. --v. (past and past part. stung) 1 a tr. wound or pierce with a sting. b intr. be able to sting; have a sting. 2 intr. & tr. feel or cause to feel a tingling physical or sharp mental pain. 3 tr. (foll. by into) incite by a strong or painful mental effect (was stung into replying). 4 tr. sl. swindle or charge exorbitantly. Phrases and idioms stinging-nettle a nettle, Urtica dioica, having stinging hairs. sting in the tail unexpected pain or difficulty at the end. Derivatives stingingly adv. stingless adj. stinglike adj. Etymology: OE sting (n.), stingan (v.), f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) державка модели 2) жалный 3) жало 4) ужаление ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) жало; жалить 2) ужаление 3) жгучий волосок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. жало the sting of a scorpion is in its tail —- жало скорпиона находится у него в хвосте; самое неприятное - в конце 2. бот. жгучий волосок 3. укус; ожог крапивы 4. ядовитость, колкость the stings of calumny —- ядовитые стрелы клеветы 5. муки, острая боль the sting of hunger —- муки голода the stings of remorse —- угрызения совести 6. острота to give a sting to an epigram —- придать эпиграмме остроту 7. жалить, жечь to sting smb. on the finger —- ужалить кого-л. в палец to sting the eyes —- есть глаза (о дыме) 8. гореть, жечь, саднить 9. кусать(ся) (о комарах, клопах и т. п.) 10. причинять острую боль, мучить; уязвлять, терзать his conscience stings him —- он терзается угрызениями совести stung by the mockings of others —- уязвленный насмешками других the reproach stung me to the quick —- этот упрек задел меня за живое nothing stings like the truth —- ничто так не ранит, как правда; правда глаза колет 11. чувствовать острую боль; терзаться 12. возбуждать, побуждать anger stung him to action —- гнев заставил его действовать he was stung with desire —- он был охвачен желанием 13. сл. обмануть, одурачить he got stung on that deal —- он погорел на этом деле 14. сл. (for) выманить, выпросить или собрать деньги at the airport he was stung for a few dollars for having excess luggage —- в аэропорту с него содрали несколько долларов за лишний багаж ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) жало  2) bot. жгучий волосок  3) укус; ожог крапивой  4) муки; острая боль; the stings of hunger - муки голода  5) ядовитость, колкость  6) острота, сила; his service has no sting in it - у него слабая подача (в теннисе)  2. v.  1) жалить; жечь (о крапиве и т.п.)  2) причинять острую боль  3) чувствовать острую боль  4) уязвлять, терзать; to be stung by remorse - мучиться угрызениями совести  5) возбуждать; побуждать; the insult stung him into a reply - оскорбление побудило его ответить  6) usu. pass.; coll. обмануть, надуть; обобрать, нагреть; he was stung for L 5 - его надули на 5 фунтов Syn: see spur ...
Англо-русский словарь


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